Breaking News - Roff opens warehouse in Zambia

About Roff Milling


About Roff Milling

At Roff, we don't just manufacture milling equipment and accessories. We're guided by a Higher Purpose to empower businesses, both large and small. From large-scale turnkey commercial projects to start-up community mills, our products are designed for maize and built for Africa.

Proof of this commitment to effectively serving African farmers and milling entrepreneurs beyond the borders southern Africa is the establishment of Roff Milling Zambia. Through this new Roff branch, we endeavour to bring Roff solutions to even more clients and contribute to ensuring food security and prosperity on the continent.

With more than 30 years in the milling industry, Roff is your partner in maize milling.

Watch "The Roff Journey" video

Meet the team

  • Charl Marais Roff Milling

    Charl Marais

    Business Leader

  • Koot Jordaan Roff Milling

    Koot Jordaan

    Sales Leader

  • Simon Lues Roff Milling

    Simon Lues

    Operations Leader

  • Jan Jordaan

    Brand Leader

  • Ananda du Plessis

    Ananda du Plessis

    Financial Specialist

  • Annuchka Grobbelaar

    Annuchhka Oelofse

    Design Specialist

  • Danie Oosthuizen

    Danie Oosthuizen

    Warehouse Specialist

  • Frans Janse van Vuuren

    Frans Jansen van Vuuren

    Technical Specialist

  • Jaco Olivier

    Jaco Olivier

    Production Specialist

  • Paul Davies

    Paul Davies

    Systems Specialist

  • April Matoa

    April Matoa

    Sales Consultant

  • Charne Louw

    Charne Louw

    Sales Consultant

  • Franko van Niekerk

    Sales Consultant

  • Jolene Potgieter

    Sales Consultant

  • Richard Hoffman

    Richard Hoffman

    Sales Consultant

  • Maartin Maritz

    Sales Consultant

Roff Factory Fly-through Tour FPV


What does it take to truly create growth from the ground up?

It takes inspiration. Passion. Perseverance.

It takes getting up every day. Putting in the hard work. Going the extra mile. Today, our need for energy to improve lives, to build communities, to transform development, has never been greater. So too is our appetite for success.

At Roff, we don’t just make milling equipment and accessories. We’re guided by a Higher Purpose to boost businesses both great and small. To give people the motivation to grow further. To do more.

We know that going further, takes more. That's why we work to ensure better quality, consistency and affordability. We know creating growth from the ground up is a job worth doing properly. Because when it comes to our future, failure is simply not an option.

Our background

Established in 1991, Roff Industries (Pty) Ltd manufactures high quality and affordable maize milling plants and hammer mills for the food and stock feed industries in the sub-Saharan African market.

Roff has been dedicated to affordability, compact mills, value for money and quality from the outset. These values have not changed, even as Roff has increased the size of its mills and operations over the years as it entered the large commercial milling market. Today, commercial clients can now rely on Roff to meet all their milling plant needs as both a supplier and a project manager. Roff offers a full turnkey project management service for the design and construction of new mills. For medium-sized operations, Roff provides maize mills from 500kg/h to 5 000kg/h according to the client’s needs.

Roff mills and machinery fit in most existing buildings and all equipment is installed on one floor. Parts are pre-assembled in the factory which results in fast turnaround times for installation and commissioning. A 5 000kg/h plant can be installed and operational in less than six months from date of order, on the client’s premises. Roff has plants operational in South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia, Angola, Tanzania, Kenya, DRC and as far as Eastern Europe, Syria and Belgium.

Roff is the exclusive distributor of the modular pipework systems company Jacob (Germany). Other products offered include mesh, rollers, milling consumables, and a range of agri-processing components such as hammer mills, crushers, and cleaners. These are ideal for use in stock feed plants, poultry farms, dairies, piggeries, feedlots, and breweries. With a wide range of leading brands that are warehoused locally, Roff can install, support and provide spares to industries that make use of bulk materials products, at a significantly reduced turnaround time.

Today Roff employs highly experienced and trained people to support its clients and the market. It has a large solar-powered manufacturing facility of 5 000 square meters in South Africa, ensuring the uninterrupted supply of cost-effective equipment to the market.

Be part of our winning team at Roff

At your service

Roff’s service infrastructure comprises trained technicians available for installations and the on-site servicing and maintenance of clients’ equipment, while its design team is capable of producing high-quality 3D designs. It also has extensive experience in project management for turnkey projects.

Roff is a true partner to its clients, helping them to grow and achieve success in their businesses. The company assists its clients every step of the way: from planning the buildings to the customisation and installation of the milling equipment. Roff is committed to ensuring shorter supply chains and limiting distribution costs in order to provide more affordable food for the people of Africa and enhanced profitability for producers.

Careers at Roff Milling

Careers at Roff Milling

Are you interested in working for Roff Milling?

All vacancies are posted on our Facebook page, so follow us to be notified of new positions. Take note that only CVs received in response to available positions will be considered and processed.

The Roff Team

Become part of our winning team

“Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilisation work.”

Vince Lombardi

Watch our 'Machines that drive success' video

Roff Events


  • NAMPO Harvest Day 2024

    NAMPO Bothaville will take place from May 14th to May 17th, 2024, and Roff Milling will be there! Keep an eye on our social media channels and promotions page for great NAMPO discounts.

    Visit the official Nampo website for more information,

  • Nampo Harvest Day 2023

    NAMPO Harvest Day 2023

    NAMPO Harvest Day 2023 was held from May 16th to May 19th in Bothaville, South Africa. The Roff team was there to showcase innovative Roff Milling solutions and to connect with our clients. The theme of the event, "Agriculture Innovated," highlighted the importance of innovation in agricultural practices, and fit Roff's approach to solving milling problems perfectly. A big thank you to everyone who visited us at the Roff stand.

  • Nampo 2022 Roff

    NAMPO Harvest Day 2022, a big success

    NAMPO Harvest Day made a welcome return following a two-year absence due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Roff was there – and it was a pleasure to welcome so many interested visitors to our stand. Thank you to everyone who met up with us at this great event. It’s clear that the agricultural sector is alive and well in South Africa! 

    Two new game-changing milling products revealed at NAMPO

    Roff treated visitors to its NAMPO 2022 stand to a sneak peek of two new products: the DGX 155/175 Degerminator and CLR 107 Cleaner. Visit the product pages for more information.

Watch Roff at NAMPO 2022

Highlights of Roff product reveals at Nampo 2022

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